
mbralign options of NetApp

mbralign --sparse /vmfs/volume/"Datastore"/"Virtual Machine"/"Virtual Machine"-flat.vmdk

   --sparse                 The resulting file will be sparse.  This option is designed for NetApp NFS based datastor                            es.
   --force                  The default behavior is to skip properly aligned disks.
                            The --force option can be used to override this. (Useful for migrating and making sparse)                            .
   --bs=n                   Use n as the block size (specified in kB).  n must be one of (8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 1024).                             The default is 8.
   --preview                Show what would be done, then exit.  No changes are madeto the file.
   --quiet                  Only print warnings and errors (no other status isprinted to screen).
   --debug                  Print debug comments.
   --help                   Print usage.
   --thereAreNoVmSnapshots  Suppress the warning message about snapshots and answer YES to the question of whether to                            continue.

