
Is there any way to optmize the PNG files? GreenShot

As of version 1.1, Greenshot has functionality to use PNG optimizers, like OptiPNG, which can reduce the filesize of PNG files drastically. Currently this functionality is disabled by default as we don’t include a tool due to size and license reasons. So this feature needs to be enabled manually in the Greenshot.ini file (see Where does Greenshot store its configuration settings?) by configuring the path to the executable under the section [Core] in the settingOptimizePNGCommand and eventually (default works with OptiPNG) the command line arguments in the settingOptimizePNGCommandArguments. Note: The command is called whenever a PNG is written or uploaded, so if it is very slow Greenshot will take longer.

; Optional command to execute on a temporary PNG file, the command should overwrite the file and Greenshot will read it back. Note: this command is also executed when uploading PNG's!

; Arguments for the optional command to execute on a PNG, {0} is replaced by the temp-filename from Greenshot. Note: Temp-file is deleted afterwards by Greenshot.


Ruby -- 1st class

1. Download Ruby VM image for VMware.
Ruby Stack
JRuby Stack
2. Open the VM image with VMware workstation, Fusion or ESXi.
3. Setup the guest (network, update OS...etc).
4. Show Ruby version.
> ruby -v
> rails --version



Choosing a network adapter for your virtual machine



ESXi 5.1 Maximums configuration

Virtual Machine Maximums

ESX 5.1ESX 5ESX 4.1ESX 4.0ESX 3.5ESX 3ESX 2ESX 1
Virtual CPUs per virtual machine6432884421
RAM per virtual machine1TB1TB255GB255GB65GB16GB3,6GB2GB
Virtual SCSI adapters per virtual machine44444444
Virtual disk size2TB2TB2TB2TB2TB2TB
IDE controllers per virtual machine11111
IDE devices per virtual machine44444
Floppy controllers per virtual machine1111111
Floppy devices per virtual machine2222222
Virtual NICs per virtual machine101010104444
USB controllers per virtual machine111
USB devices connected to a virtual machine202020
Parallel ports per virtual machine3333331
USB 3.0 devices per virtual machine11
Concurrent remote console connections404040401010

Host Maximums

ESX 5.1ESX 5ESX 4.1ESX 4.0ESX 3.5ESX 3ESX 2ESX 1
Logical CPUs per host160160160643232168
Virtual machines per host5125123203201281288064
Virtual CPUs per host204820485125121281288064
Virtual CPUs per core252525208888
RAM per host2TB2TB1TB1TB256GB256GB64GB64GB
LUNs per server256256256256

vCenter Server Maximums

vCenter Server MaximumsESX 5.1ESX 5ESX 4.1ESX 4.0ESX 3.5ESX 3
Hosts per vCenter Server100010001000300200200
Powered on virtual machines10000100001000030002000
Registered virtual machines15000150001500045002000
Linked vCenter Servers10101010
Hosts in linked vCenter Servers3000300030001000
Powered on virtual machines in linked vCenter30000300003000010000
Registered virtual machines in linked vCenter50000500005000015000
Concurrent vSphere Clients10010010030
Number of host per datacenter500500400100
MAC addresses per vCenter Server6553665536
USB devices connected at vSphere Client2020

Cluster and Resource Pool Maximums

ESX 5.1ESX 5ESX 4.1ESX 4.0ESX 3.5
Hosts per cluster3232323232
Virtual machines per cluster4000300030001280
Virtual machines per host512512320100
Maximum concurrent host HA failover323244
Failover as percentage of cluster100%100%50%50%
Resource pools per cluster16001600512512128
Resource pools per host160016004096
Children per resource pool102410241024
Resource pool tree depth8881212

Network Maximums

ESX 5.1ESX 5ESX 4.1ESX 4.0ESX 3.5ESX 3
Total virtual network switch ports per host4096409640964096127
Maximum active ports per host10501016101610161016
Virtual network switch creation ports4088408840884088
Port groups256256512512512
Distributed virtual network switch ports per vCenter6000030000200006000
Static port groups per vCenter1000050005000512
Ephemeral port groups per vCenter2562561016
Hosts per VDS50035035064
Distributed switches per vCenter128323216
e1000 1Gb Ethernet ports (Intel PCI?x)323232323232
e1000e 1Gb Ethernet ports (Intel PCI?e)242424323232
igb 1Gb Ethernet ports (Intel)16161616
tg3 1Gb Ethernet ports (Broadcom)32323232
bnx2 1Gb Ethernet ports (Broadcom)16161616
forcedeth 1Gb Ethernet ports (NVIDIA)2222
nx_nic 10Gb Ethernet ports (NetXen)8844
ixgbe 10Gb Ethernet ports (Intel)8844
bnx2x 10Gb Ethernet ports (Broadcom)8844
be2net 10Gb Ethernet ports (Emulex)8844
VMDirectPath PCI/PCIe devices per host8888
VMDirectPath PCI/PCIe devices per virtual machine444
Concurrent vMotion operations per host (1Gb/s network)4422
Concurrent vMotion operations per host (10Gb/s network)88

Storage Maximums

ESX 5.1ESX 5ESX 4.1ESX 4.0ESX 3.5ESX 3
Qlogic 1Gb iSCSI HBA initiator ports per server444
Broadcom 1Gb iSCSI HBA initiator ports per server444
Broadcom 10Gb iSCSI HBA initiator ports per server444
Software iSCSI NICs per server888
Number of total paths on a server102410241024
Number of paths to a iSCSI LUN888
Qlogic iSCSI: dynamic targets per adapter port646464
Qlogic iSCSI: static targets per adapter port626262
Broadcom 1Gb iSCSI HBA targets per adapter port646464
Broadcom 10Gb iSCSI HBA targets per adapter port12812864
Software iSCSI targets256256256256
NFS mounts per host2562566464
FC LUNs per host256256256256256256
FC LUN ID255255255255255255
FC Number of paths to a LUN323232323232
Number of total paths on a server102410241024102410241024
Number of HBAs of any type8888
HBA ports1616161616
Targets per HBA25625625625615
Software FCoE adapters44
Volumes per host256256256256256
Hosts per volume6464646432
Powered on virtual machines per VMFS volume20482048256
Concurrent vMotion operations per datastore128128
Concurrent Storage vMotion operations per datastore88
Concurrent Storage vMotion operations per host22
Concurrent non vMotion provisioning operations per host88
VMFS Volume size64TB64TB64TB64TB64TB